Saturday, 15 December 2012

Looking backwards, looking forwards, looking east!

The year that was 2012 is slowly drawing to a close.  It's been a busy one.  I've been blessed with many opportunities to head east, visiting quite a few countries for the first time.  This has included: a parisian New Years celebration with old friends (plus oysters & cigars); navigating a crazy interrail route around Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Austria and Germany (with a tour of Chernobyl powerplant enroute); enlightening medical teaching trips to Ukraine (twice); summer camps with teaching opportunities in Lithuania and Belarus; short stays in Latvia and Estonia; backpacking around Russia having chance to see St Petersburg, Moscow and Kursk (with fantastic guided tour); and giving a week long series of lectures as part of PRIME on 'Whole Person Medicine', 'Stigma in healthcare' and medical communication skills to medical students at the University of Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania (Romania).  I've been made incredibly welcome by those I've met and have some great new friends.  I'm always amazed at how despite different cultures, the gospel (aka good news and promises of Jesus) unites people all around the world.  I have been shown such love, kindness and patience by those I've met and often stayed with over the past year - I cannot be thankful enough!  It's also been the year where I've gone from medical newby panicking about taking bloods to scary SHO on-call, being given even scarier responsibilities.  I've had some really great wards, inspiring supervisors and a fantastically supportive and caring church family, who've helped me keep my perspectives in check.  Furthermore, by grace, Preston now has a Christian Medical Fellowship group.

2013 also looks to be another year of challenge and adventure, with potential trips to Czech rep, Austria, Ukraine and Romania on the horizon.  Latvia is another contender.  God willing, I'm hoping there may also be a trip/holiday to Russia in the pipeline (buh-dum-cha!).  This may even be the long awaited year when I embark on the Trans-Siberian railroad and finally reach Vladivostok, the 'Ruler of the East'.  If the pace of work continues, 2013 should additionally herald the completion of year one of the Global Health masters (PG cert - woop!) and also potentially the dreaded MRCP part 1 (medical speciality exam). Mega Слава Богу if I manage that one!

Most excitingly however... there is a likely change of scenery ahoy.  Whilst adminsitrative formalities are ongoing, I've accepted a clinical position in south-west Germany to start in September 2013 (black dot on map beneath).  I can envisage many opportunities and beneficial challenges in working there; I greatly look forward to embracing these!   

So, what have I learnt in 2012?

1. Trust in God; work hard; things happen.
2. Travel is easy, the mind provides barriers, flexible is key. (Haiku!)
3. Effective time management is never to be underestimated.
4. Necessity is the mother of invention.
5. I have the ability to teach.
6. Stereotypes are limitted in truth, isolation helps reenforce them.
7. Aspirations are not limitted to a particular culture.  Neither is self-interest.
8. The Russian language is an enigma slow to unravel.  The reward of doing so however is bountiful.
9. God is faithful, even when I am not.  Praise be purely to him.

Yellow : Countries visited previously
- Orange: Countries visited this year
- . Red  .: Countries on the hit list for 2013
Green : Germany, planned new home
Black  : Location from Sept 2013