Saturday, 4 May 2013

COPD in Russia / ХОБЛ в России

“The draconian nature of Russian law is softened by the non-obligatory nature of its implementation”
An anonymous Russian saying

This week my blog post will consider the impact of chronic lung disease within Russia, focussing in on the role of smoking related disease, which amongst us medics is called COPD (chronic onstructive pulmonary disease).  Please see the previous post if you would like an introduction to COPD.

As is often the case, Russia has a unique situation, with its history, demographics and healthcare system all playing their part.  Intriguingly the situation of COPD in Russia has been a difficult topic to research.  Few studies seem to have been completed to define its incidence or prevalence.  With around 44 million smokers and rising, Russia has the highest smoking total and proportional prevalence in Europe.  Around 400,000 Russians are thought to die from smoking related diseases each year.    There are also significant barriers to primary care access and very limited screening.  Together this suggests significant under-diagnosis of COPD.

A primary health study conducted by Chuchalin et al within the Ryazan region of Russia (Рязань; population 1,306,600), ran from October 2004 to March 2005 (1).  Two districts were chosen, within which 16 primary health centres were chosen at random for recruitment.   Subjects received lung function tests and assessment for risk factors of chronic respiratory disease in the form of a household survey.  Results showed that whilst men are at greater risk: 60% of men smoke; 40% of men have occupational ‘dust’ exposure; prevalence of breathlessness, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disease is two times higher in women than men.  Despite this 14% of men reported regular sputum production (4% women), suggesting some form of respiratory disease.  Low lung function was noted in 14% of the sample.  Overall COPD prevalence was said to be 1.6%, comparable with Russia as a whole.  It was noted that asthma treatment was also significantly underused, complicating the picture somewhat (the main drug of choice is theophylline – easily becomes toxic, many side effects, variable compliance).

What sense be made of this picture?  An extremely high level of smoking and occupational chemical exposures (especially amongst men), yet low rates of COPD.  I feel this study highlights some interesting and pertinent points within the peculiar ‘Russian paradox’

A society in smoking transition
Russia has been a society in transition.  As the soviet-era drew to a close, supplies of many goods became scarce.  Cigarettes were no exception.  This led to tobacco rationing, triggering the so called ‘tobacco riots’ where angry smokers caused chaos on the streets of Moscow and St Petersburg (2).  The Russian government responded by relaxing import laws, allowing multinational tobacco corporations to enter the Russian market.  With a population of 143 million citizens, few sales controls, low product taxation, a country previously naïve to marketing and eagerly desiring the western lifestyle, Russia was greatly attractive (3).   Today a pack of filtered cigarettes can cost less than $1 (£0.65).  As a result of the above Russia has become the third largest market for tobacco in the world.  All four major global tobacco firms now have high stakes in the Russian market, competing hard against one another in their sales drives.  The tobacco lobby is a formidable force affecting politics.  With the health impacts of smoking typically occurring in mid to late life, the long-term impacts of the smoking boom are only now being fully realised.  With smoking prevalence so high, COPD is an ever increasing burden.  Until recently little public awareness of the connection between smoking and chronic lung disease existed.  Hence smoking prevention is a relatively new concept! 

Sociodemographic changes
Russia is said to be experiencing a demographic crisis.  Deaths significantly outnumber births, meaning a comparatively higher number of the elderly.  Besides sub-Saharan Africa, the nations of the former Soviet Union (FSU) are the only world region to be experiencing a decline in life-expectancy.  Key to this is a huge gender disparity.  Men die increasingly young.  As COPD likelihood and severity increase with number of years smoked, many may never reach the point of significant impairment.  Men are also less likely to attend healthcare facilities (some truths are international!), and as such as less likely to receive a formal diagnosis for their breathing problems.

Healthcare provision
A multinational survey from the international COPD coalition noted several shortcomings in Russian COPD awareness and care provision (4).  It was found that patients viewed their symptoms as age/smoking related, rather than due to an underlying lung condition.  As a result, patients generally presented at advanced disease stages and chose to attend their GP rather than a respiratory physician.  Questions have also been raised regarding limited and outdated education of COPD treatment amongst primary care physicians.  Of those patients diagnosed with COPD, further barriers to effective care exist.  Whilst oxygen, inhalers and antibiotic therapy are available within Russia, provision varies depending on states and distance from large treatment centres.  Furthermore, treatment costs are not fully covered by the government or private insurance schemes.  As COPD is inversely associated with socio-economic status, many people simply cannot afford regular or optimal treatment.  Around 90% of formally diagnosed COPD patients within Russia are not receiving treatment recommended by national or international guidelines (5).

However it’s not all doom and gloom - changes are happening…

Smoking cessation
In 2008 Russia ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which called for a 10-15% decrease in smoking by 2015.  In summer 2010 the Russian Ministry of Health and Social development introduced warning labels on cigarette packaging for the first time.  Shortly after, President Vladimir Putin signed the national tobacco control concept paper.  Laws on public health relating to tobacco consumption began to be debated and rewritten, including discussions on smoking bans in public places, banning small tobacco retailers/kiosks, and limiting tobacco advertising including banning display case advertising in larger stores.  From June 2013 smoking will be banned in offices, school premises and around stations.  From 2014 this will extent to all public areas, including cafes, restaurants and long-distance trains.  Significant fines for breaking the rules are to be introduced (6).

Improved data collection, training and health services
Following on from the Ryazan study, COPD has now been mapped within a further 10 regions.  Over the past 3 years 35,000 primary care physicians have attended seminars on COPD, asthma, and smoking prevention.  The ‘Pulmobil’, a mobile COPD diagnosis and management centre was also unveiled in summer 2012, with the intention of enhancing service provision and coverage.  Studies are now on-going to assess the impact of these measures, including health centre utilisation by COPD patients.

Public awareness and attitudes
Media campaigns highlighting the health impact of smoking are increasingly common in newspapers, magazines and on television.  President Vladimir Putin has also publicly stated his desire for greater smoking cessation.  Surveys have shown mixed public opinion on the proposed changes; greater smoking controls for indoor public places such as offices and schools have generally been accepted; resistance has however been felt towards smoking bans covering shared stairwells, beaches and parks.  Increasing tobacco taxation also remains a politically sensitive topic, in particular amongst the industrial class, a loyal electoral base for President Vladimir Putin.  Critics of the proposed laws cite some impracticalities in the authoritarian nature of the rules and also question a lack of support for those wanting to quit smoking (7).  As is a common issue within Russia, it remains to be seen how rigidly the new rules are enforced.

Concluding remarks
COPD has long been underdiagnosed and undertreated in Russia.  Demographic changes are likely to exacerbate this situation in years to come.  The past five years have seen major changes in Russia, with increased public awareness, smoking controls and medical provision.  Whilst greater access to diagnostic facilities and provision of treatment is required, further barriers to COPD recognition can be overcome.

Thank you for reading this far - as usual, any comments greatly appreciated!

1) World Health Organisation (2006) Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Report of General Meeting 2005, Geneva. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 4 May 2013]

2) (1997) Untitled. [online] Available at:;jsessionid=E020827CE566B08981881AF4BB7ED8FE?a=d&d=HASH2255c5db003ea388a30032&c=cdl&sib=&ed=1&p.s=ClassifierBrowse& [Accessed: 30 Apr 2013]

3) Holmes D. Smoking in Russia: will old habits die hard? Lancet. 2011 Sep 10;378(9795):973-4.

4) Scheld, J. (2007) ICC Country Report "Faces of COPD". The International COPD Coalition

5) World Health Organisation (2013) Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases, 7th General Meeting Report (2012), St Petersburg. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 4 May 2013]

6) (2013) Crackdown on smoking: Putin signs radical anti-tobacco bill into law — RT Russian politics. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 4 May 2013]

7) Harding, L. (2013) How will Russians cope with the smoking ban?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 May 2013]

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